Wednesday, August 21, 2013

WL Bonus #1: About Change

"People underestimate their capacity for change. There is never a right time to do a difficult thing. A leader's job is to help people have vision of their potential." -John Porter

There will always be a resistance to change. Why would any sane person want to change when everything is going smoothly? Why would the captain of a ship turn his vessel into a storm full of rough seas? Sometimes the closest safe harbor is just beyond the storm ravaged seas. It is going to be rough but on the other side is a place to rest and recover. A true Captain would not turn his ship into the storm unless he knew his crew and vessel could withstand all that was heading their way.

That is the sign of a true leader, when he knows what his people can and cannot do. Then the leader's job is easy because he has helped make the vision of their potential into a reality. It is a reality that will help make the transition during the time of change go so smoothly that they might not have the chance to become resistant to that change.

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