Thursday, October 17, 2013

Walking Leader Bonus #5: Another word or two about change

Change has to come. no, no, Change is coming. No! No! No! Change is here?

YES! Change live here! We live in a time of change.

Change is always here. Change never goes away. It is how we deal with change that makes all the difference. How we deal with change is the one thing that can change.

You hear people talk about change being good and change is bad. It can be good for you and appear to be bad for someone else at the same time. Change can be both at the same time.  Good for you and bad for someone else or vice versa.

Really, change is what you make of it.  For instance, let us use the recent government shutdown as an example.  There were some individuals, okay many individuals that were sent home because they were not essential personnel to sustain minimal government operations.  Now the question should be passed of every one that went home: what did you do during this unexpected time off?  Did you worry?  Did you play candy crush?  Did you go on vacation?  Did you blow to all your savings?  On the other hand, did you do something beneficial with that time?

I am more than certain there were plenty of people that were worried, so much that it was physically visible to somebody else.  It is understandable especially when there was no resolution after the first week.  However, the uncertainty of it all contributed to exacerbating any worries or stress that anybody had.

Notice some of the words that I used: worry, stress, playing, time off, and no resolution.
Are not those words almost synonymous with the way someone feels when changes taking place?

I say yes!  You hear those words and many others when change is coming and happening.  Very seldom, why I do not know, do you hear the word "beneficial" when changes coming, especially by the individual's affected by the change.

It is all about perspective.  How many people sat around and played on their kids play station?  How many people went to and signed up to take an online training course?  Heck, they had two weeks they could have taken three courses!  Sure, most of them are not free but are some very good ones (or appear to be good) for under $100.

Before I digress and go somewhere else, I had better get back on track.  What I am trying to say is and I said at the beginning: change is what you make of it!

It is all about your attitude, confidence, and knowing that changes are not permanent but change is.

Thank you for your time

David G. Guerra is the author of the "Walking Leader". The Walking Leader is a book for anyone in any organization that is looking for away to increase their presence and increase their leadership abilities. The Walking Leader serves as a guide for those that are not certain how to go about walking around that company, meeting and interacting with everyone in the company. The Walking Leader brings to the reader 20 rules to utilize when getting out there on the company floor and making the best of the time with the other employees.

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